Tuesday 18 March 2014

Evaluation Question 2

Q2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Representation are the description or portrayal of someone or something in a particular way. We have used many representations throught out our movie openings. We wanted our opening to introduce our characters and show how different they are, we used binary opposites to do this. 

The social groups we have presented in our movie are teenagers, we chose two different social groups of teenagers and chose two steryotypes . One steryotypical character representing the nerd social group and the other representing the party (popular) girl. We decided that in order to make the different very clear we would add 4  still shot camera elements at the beggining of the opening to identify each character. For the nerd we used books, glasses, DVD's and tropheys. 
For the party girl we used heels, dresses, makeup and a fashion magazine. (Which you can see in the short video below.)

We didnt just do this in the first 4 elements but carried this theme on throughtout the whole opening.

A similar chatacter from a real tv series called 'skins' that we were inspired by was effie, the rebelious party girl. We tried to adapt Annalizas character to hers and make analiza a representation of Effie however, we didnt make the two character completely thesmame. We wanted to make Annaliza more adapted to the audience with the age range of 13-18 and therefore made the drama less urban than skins and more a teen drama. We adapted Annalizas look to also fit the description of a girly girl which was an element that was not included in Skins.

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